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Russia & Norway, Namibia & South Africa, Iceland & the Faeroe Islands, the Fascination of the Panamericana Road as well as Motor Home Tour from Düsseldorf to Beijing

CARAVAN SALON DÜSSELDORF (27 August to 4 September 2016) is the perfect place to become addicted to the fascination of caravanning. This passion is especially palpable at the popular Dream Tour Cinema. Here Konstantin Abert, Janette Emerich and Uwe Hamm report on their journeys to far-away countries in fascinating multi-vision shows with breath-taking images every day. This time spectators can look forward to dream tours through Russia & Norway, Namibia & South Africa, Iceland & the Faeroe Islands, along the Panamericana Road and to a motor home trip from Düsseldorf to Beijing.

The multi-vision shows are presented on the hour, every hour from 11.00 am to 4.00 pm at the Dream Tour Cinema (on the outdoor area in front of Hall 7). Admission to the shows is included in the admission to CARAVAN SALON.

11:00 Iceland – Island of Fire and Ice

12:00 Russia & Norway – Way up North in a Motor Home

13:00 Southern Africa – Surprise Bag for Motor Home Drivers

14:00 From the Stormy Tierra del Fuego to the Sunny Caribbean - Fascination Panamericana

15:00 Through Central America and Mexico – Fascination Panamericana

16:00 From Düsseldorf to Beijing in a Motor Home – Travelling along the Silk Road to the Middle Kingdom

Iceland & the Faeroe Islands – A Dream of Fire and Ice

The Show “A Dream of Fire and Ice” touches two fascinating countries in Northern Europe. Co-presenters Janette Emerich and Uwe Hamm accompany visitors to CARAVAN SALON DÜSSELDORF on a tour through Iceland and the Faeroe Islands – from Iceland and its untamed forces of nature that make nature lovers’ hearts race with mighty waterfalls, lava deserts, hot springs and Europe’s biggest glacier, all the way to the Faeroe Islands – the green gem in the Atlantic that is home to more sheep than inhabitants. Here spectators can feel the hot vapour ejected by geysers up close, climb volcanoes, paddle past iridescent blue icebergs and observe puffins. Motor home users and nature lovers are guaranteed to get their money’s worth.

Russia & Norway – Way up North in a Motor Home

For everyone with a flair for travelling is the motto of Konstantin Abert’s fantastic tour through Russia and Norway. Comfort camping, ideally located camper van sites or simply wild camping in the middle of nowhere – Europe’s extreme north caters to just about every taste. On the eastern side travellers are in for Russian joie de vivre, cultural feats by Tsars and Karelians, old wooden churches and enormous freedom. Those mastering the route via St. Petersburg, the Ladoga and Onega lakes to Murmansk, should take time to really explore Norway’s dream landscapes on the way back. From the North Cape to Bergen spectators will get to see all the beauties of the north thanks to a spectacular routing.

Namibia & South Africa – Surprise Bag for Motor Home Drivers

Who would have thought this? The southern end of the African continent is one of the world’s top destinations for caravanning. Exotic African charm combined with western camp site infrastructure make travelling by motor home so incredibly attractive here. Spectators will embark upon an exciting safari and a spectacular tour of Namibia and South Africa. Janette Emerich and Kostya Abert show visitors a colourful collage of images with an eye for detail. Southern Africa is a surprise bag packed with warm-hearted personal encounters, awe-inspiring landscapes in sand and stone, great cuisine and wildlife within reach.

Fascination Panamericana / Part 1 – From Stormy Tierra del Fuego to the Sunny Caribbean

Hardly any other place on earth embodies that sense of freedom and endless expanses better than the Panamericana Road. Janette Emerich and Uwe Hamm have travelled this road of superlatives seven times already and will this time be showing fascinating impressions of the part between the stormy Tierra del Fuego and the sunny Caribbean sea. Visitors can look forward to a 45-minute show bursting with the most beautiful sights this continent has to offer. Watching you almost feel as if you were crossing that mystically cold rainforest on Tierra del Fuego yourself, feeling the never-ending breeze of Patagonia on your skin, climbing the highest Andean passes, exploring fascinating cities and Indio markets. After crossing the equator the tour heads north to Columbia’s coffee-growing region in the northern hemisphere. At a pleasant 30° visitors can watch coffee growers at work before the tour ends under palm trees on a Caribbean beach.

Fascination Panamericana / Part 2 – Through Central America and Mexico

No other road unites so many different landscapes, climatic zones and cultures – the Panamericana is THE lifeline and doubtlessly the No. 1 economic factor, especially for Central America. Due to the climate here living takes place outdoors, close to nature. And this is precisely where Janette Emerich and Uwe Hamm will be with their motor home showing the vigour of Latin Americans. Off the beaten track there is an unrivalled diversity of flora and fauna species. This Dream Tour serves a colourful cocktail of impressions from nature, culture, and people from Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala and Mexico. And after the show you feel like getting on the next plane and hitting the road with your motor home!

From Düsseldorf to Beijing by Motor Home

Driving from Düsseldorf to China with your motor home – is this even possible? “You bet it is!” says Kostya Abert, who has been “roaming the Wild East” for over three decades now. From Düsseldorf to Beijing by motor home – awaiting visitors is a fantastic and diverse adventure. Always heading east and following the rising sun, he crosses Eastern Europe, the Volga delta and the Kazakh steppe; along the legendary Silk Road with its Oriental trading towns Khiva, Bukhara, Samarkand and Kashgar. A few more deserts, high mountains and steppes to cross and you arrive in Beijing after just two months.  


The CARAVAN SALON DÜSSELDORF 2016 is open from Saturday, 27 August, to Sunday, 4 September 2016, on each day from 10 am to 6 pm. For trade visitors and media representatives the fair is already open on Friday, 26 August. Online tickets cost Euro 14 for adults; children, schoolchildren, students and CARAVAN SALON Club members pay Euro 10. Online-Tickets for children (aged 6 to 12) cost Euro 6. All ticket purchased online are valid for up to two days for the person named on the ticket.

Press Contact:

Alexander Kempe

Marion Hillesheim (assistance)

Tel.: ++49(0)211/45 60-997/-994


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